Catalogue 2024

Below, browse the 2024 Rencontres Internationales catalogue, or search the archives of the works presented since 2004. New video clips are routinely posted and the images and text are regularly updated.

Nicolás GARCÉS Réplicas
Dora García (Revolución, cumple tu promesa) Amor Rojo
Philippe-aubert GAUTHIER, Tanya St-Pierre Dans une sorte de rêve éveillé - L'invitation
Eva GIOLO Stone, Hat, Ribbon and Rose
Christoph GIRARDET Jishin
Valéry GRANCHER Ukraine War Mental Cage
Dor GUEZ Qalâat Al-Husan
Heidi HASSAN Souvenir
Isabelle HAYEUR Holiday Out
Zike He Random Access
Paul HEINTZ Nafura
Laura HORELLI, Simon Tjimbawe Am Anfang war die kulturelle Identität
Lin Htet Aung Eclipse
Véronique HUBERT Tentatives #2 (NOUTRES suites, le leporello)
Clara Jo Nests of Basalt, Nests of Wood
Joyce JOUMAA To Remain in the No Longer
Maren Dagny JUELL Human Resource the Musical
Jade KALLIO, Remi Vesala Laava
Diane KANEZA Ubuntu
David Kelley Non Human
Minne Kersten The Same Room