Catalogue 2024

Below, browse the 2024 Rencontres Internationales catalogue, or search the archives of the works presented since 2004. New video clips are routinely posted and the images and text are regularly updated.

Sarah Konté Noza Cassandra
Zaur Kourazov Elsewhere
Olena KOVACH Bad Games or Swan Song
Uta Kögelsberger Forest Complex/Clearance
Daniel KÖTTER Landshaft
Stefan KRUSE Sensitivity in Low Light Conditions
Can KURUCU, Mariam Aslanishvili, Jack Hogan, Matthias Planitzer The Measures Taken
LA RIBOT, Raquel Freire Differentness
Gonçalo LAMAS Andromaq
Otto LAZIC-REUSCHEL Me Entiendes?
Duy LE NGOC Cuôi giuong dây lên môt tiêng goi
Gennady LEBEDEV Nothing's disturbed my sleep
Pierre Lefrançois Vérove Vigile
Lei Lei Break no.1 & Break no.2
Karl Lemieux Somehow Continue
Thomas LEON The Architecture of Grief
Jesse LERNER Manifesto
Erik LEVINE Midsentence
Fanny LIATARD, Jérémy Trouilh Bacata
Auden LINCOLN-VOGEL, Stephanie Miracle, Ramin Roshandel Mammal Hall