Catalogue > At random
Natacha Nisic
Saint-Désir l'Exil
Vidéo | mov | couleur | 9:15 | France | 2020
Au coeur de Saint-Désir l'Exil se trouve une piscine. Au coeur de la piscine se trouvent les corps nocifs. A côté de la piscine, ma maman vit ses derniers instants sous le soleil.
Natacha Nisic,born in 1967 in France. Studies at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris (1986-90) and at the Deutsche Film und Fernseh Akademie of Berlin (1989-91), and at the Fémis, Paris. Natacha Nisic continually explores the invisible, even magical relationship between images, words, interpretation, symbol and ritual. Her work interweaves links between stories, accounts of the past and the present, to reveal the complexities of the relationship between what is shown and what is hidden, the spoken and the unspoken. Her fixed and moving images function as substrata of memory, memory torn between its value as proof and its loss, and are all statements about the status of images and the possibilities of representation. She exposed in France, Japan, Italy, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Korea and Argentina. Her most notable personal exhibitions in Paris (France) are Haus/raus-aus (Le Plateau, Frac Ile-de-France), Effroi (Musée Zadkine), La porte de Birkenau (Mémorial de la Shoah) Nord, Carmel (Centre Georges Pompidou), and Echo (Galeries nationales du Jeu de Paume). Abroad : KW Complex (Atelier Hermès, Seoul, Korea), Trying to land (MACRO, Rome, Italy), Loop Barcelona (Dominique Fiat, Barcelone, Spain). She has participated in several group exhibitions in France and abroad, such as Regard fatigué (with Christophe Marchand-Kiss, Schloß Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany, 1998), Contemporary Utopia (Centre d’art contemporain Letton, Riga, LT, 2001), Tempered Ground (Museum of Garden History, Londres, UK, 2004), elles@centrepompidou, les artistes femmes de la collection du Mnam ( Centre Georges Pompidou, FR, 2009), Yebisu international festival for new vision tokyo (Metropolitan Museum of Photography, JP, 2010), and Immigrantes in Arte Contemporeano (Munfret, curator Diana Wechsler, Buenos Aires, AR, 2015). She won almost 10 grants, among the Arbeitstipendium (Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Berlin, Germany). She also stayed at the Villa Medici (Rome, Italy, 2007) and two times at the Villa Kujoyama Duo (Japan, 2001 ; 2016).