Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Christian Bagnat, Elvira Sánchez Poxon

Tembiapo Pyharegua

Doc. expérimental | hdv | couleur et n&b | 120:0 | Argentine, Espagne | 2022

Tembiapo Pyharegua (Night Work) is a cinematographic chronicle that follows the life of a Paraguayan Guarani-speaking community that settled in Cuenca, Spain. The title refers to those nights where the impossible is dreamed and lived, that time of life between working hours. That is where we stop and observe how they recover their time. And how they spend their leisure hours. During those nights they name the things they are willing to do when they return to their country. Desires, dreams, future projects: every day they say them out loud, as if it were a spell. A record of this future is slowly being made, night by night.

Christian Bagnat. Argentina 1971. Studied Art and later Film. Night Work, first feature film co-directed with Elvira Sánchez Poxon. It’s filmed in Cuenca over seven years, using a particular method of work that reflects on the changes and events that occur in a small town. He works creating a film archive about the Latin diaspora in Spain. Elvira Sánchez Poxon Madrid 1977. She studied Fine Arts at the UCM and developed works in the field of painting and experimental sound stories. In the meantime, she studied film, collaborating regularly with Christian Bagnat. They co-directed the short film Pablo and Night Work is their first feature film.