Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Ivan Markovic


Doc. expérimental | 4k | couleur | 48:26 | Serbia | 2018

A vast complex of corridors, atriums and halls: a congress center made to host thousands now stands almost abandoned. The architecture reflects a former idea of the future, while surfaces and materials testify to its end. Through their relentless effort, the maintenance workers shoulder the duty of restoring the space to what it was imagined to be. Their movements are unison, ritual but also their own. Sava Centar is a congress space completed in 1978. in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. It hosted hundreds of international meetings, including World Bank summits and a conference of the Non Aligned Movement. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, its capacities gradually became obsolete. It is now awaiting a privatisation and commercial reconstruction.

Ivan Markovi is a cinematographer and director born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. He graduated from the Faculty of Drama arts in Belgrade, cinematography studies, in 2012. For his film and photography work, won “Erste Bank foundation” Award for best visual artist in 2014. Recently worked as a cinematographer on several feature films including “All the cities of the north” (director: Dane Komljen, premiered on Locarno Film festival 2016), “You have the night” (director: Ivan Salati, premiered on Venice Critics week 2018) and “Ich war zuhause, aber..” by director Angela Schanelec, which premiered in Berlinale Competition 2019. The short film “White Bird”, which he worked on as a cinematographer and co-director with Linfeng Wu, had its premiere on Berlinale Shorts 2016. In 2018 his experimental documentary film “Centar” had its premiere on Doclisboa Film festival. Lives and works between Belgrade and Berlin.