Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Maya Watanabe


Vidéo expérimentale | hdv | couleur | 12:0 | Pérou, Japon | 2017

An unnatural landscape appears in an empty theater. Without any human action, a series of events begin to unleash. The motionless scene is abruptly interrupted by artificial disasters. When the scenography breaks down and the staged landscape collapses, the inhabitants confront their extintion. As the long-shot continues, the remnants left behind appear again, inexplicably recomposed. The fundamental motivation is to explore the limits, one’s own limits, ethical limits, political limits, of control over others deaths.

Maya Watanabe is a Peruvian visual artist who works with video installations. Her work has been exhibited at: Palais de Tokyo, Matadero Madrid, Kadist Art Foundation, Das Fridericianum, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima, and Kyoto Art Center among others. She has been featured in festivals like Videobrasil, LOOP, FILE, Transitio MX, Madrid Abierto, Havana Film Festival, and Beijing Biennale. She has also collaborated as a set designer and audiovisual art director for theatre plays performed in Peru, Spain, Austria and Italy. Watanabe is based between Amsterdam and Madrid.