Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Arthur Kleinjan


Installation vidéo | mp4 | couleur et n&b | 27:30 | Pays-Bas | 2018

Arthur Kleinjan presents ABOVE US ONLY SKY, a large-scale video triptych. A narrator leads us into a magical-realist history that is bereft of fabrication. His story begins with an investigation into a plane crash in communist Czechoslovakia, which one woman survived after an unlikely fall from the air. This event becomes the point of entry to a dense web of seemingly unrelated events that appear to be deeply entangled. Kleinjan plays an intelligent game with the surreal logic of chance, the repetition of events, and synchronicity. `Above us only sky` questions the surreal logic of chance, repetition of events, and synchronicity. It blurs the boundaries that separate us from the past through a present that shifts and fluctuates between reality, imagination and speculation. Viewers become unsuspected witnesses to political defiance and reprisals where the past has informed the present and where natural, political and technological disasters, are followed by remarkable tales of survival.

Arthur Kleinjan is a Dutch visual artist working with the media of film and photography. He studied at the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam and Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. His work, an exploration of visual perception is merged with a metaphysical sensation of place, identity and time as he transforms apparent lucid moments into layered visuals and narratives. The work of Arthur Kleinjan has been exhibited internationally, including solo exhibitions at The Essl Collection(Vienna, Austria), Western Front(Vancouver, Canada) and 2YK Gallery(Berlin, Germany). He has participated in exhibitions such as the Biennale of Busan (South Korea), in the Musée d`art contemporain de Montréal (Canada). His films has been screened at Clermond Ferrand Filmfestival(France), International Film festival Rotterdam(NL) and Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia (Madrid, Spain).