Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Alberto Rodríguez Collía

Ley Aurea (Golden Law)

Vidéo expérimentale | hdv | couleur | 7:4 | Guatemala, Brésil | 2014

This video speaks about the exploitation and its institutionalized discrimination (economic and racial) and slavery. The location is Brazil, because this one of the most unequal countries worldwide and was the last to declare slavery illegal (Aurea Act of 1898).

Lives and works in Guatemala. With his work tries to explore the historical memory, sordid aspects of the human being and the ridicule of the societies that are imposed over others. He graduated as Engraver from Art School no. 10 of Madrid, with his final project received the Honourable mention at Aurelio Blanco awards. He was awarded with the residencies of FONCA / CASA of Oaxaca, Mexico; Des.Pacio of San Jose, Costa Rica, Fundaçao Armando Alvarez Penteado in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and AIT in Tokyo, Japan. Also participated in 32nd. Biennial of Ljubljana, in the XVI and XVII Biennial of Guatemala and the VII Central American Biennial. In 2007 he co-founded the TEGG, the only engraving workshop in Guatemala, where he teached and organized exhibitions related to graphic arts. From 2010 to 2014 he was in charge of the Cinematographic Art Center of the CCEG, coordinating films screenings and workshops of cinema. Rodriguez also coordinated the Contemporary Film Festival (MUCA) and has worked for the human rights oriented film festival “ Memoria, Verdad, Justicia ” since 2013. He participated in the films "Even the Sun has spots" that won "Prix Espérance" and "Honourable Mention" in the FID of Marseille.