Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Fette Sans

La Reprise (Dérive) [extrait]

Vidéo expérimentale | mp4 | noir et blanc | 15:0 | France, Allemagne | 2022

La Reprise (Dérive) is an exercise in continuity and distortion. This experimental film began on June 20, 2020. As of September 3, 2023, it is 168 min / weeks long. Every week, a subsequent minute is produced by combining scenes shot that week with archival material from the past years. Footage and sound are consistently recorded with the same single device (an iPhone). The film may distort, but there is always a presumption that something exists, or did exist, which is what was recorded. The sequences are neither true nor false, they integrate various degrees of theatricality and authenticity. They become portraits of an agitated immersion in the perpetual process of being, of this unpredictable yet systematic gathering and indexing. They are the record of close observations. I am a passenger, a witness to recurrences and patterns. This continuous collage of archives is the tension. The narrative is disconnected from the sum of its parts and elaborates on successes and failures. In this regard, the film is in a constant state of being finished, rather than interminably in progress. While its length progressively evolves, it also always is its final duration. This work is meant to continue until my death.

Fette Sans is based in Zagreb and in Berlin. She has a conceptual and interdisciplinary practice that includes the production of images, writing, performances, online gestures, film-making, discussions, and installations. Games of dissociative identities and the stories we tell ourselves to collect evidence of what has happened are recurring components in her work. She is interested in the ambiguity of what constitutes an image’s residue. Concerned with social systems, representation, and technology, she develops obsessive rituals, collaborations, and speculative narratives to question these issues. Rituals are interesting because there are ways of expressing repetition and the longing for security while accepting the risks associated with the very act of ceremonial reiterations: boredom itself.