Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Roswitha Schuller, Markus Hanakam


Film expérimental | hdv | couleur | 13:15 | Autriche, Japon | 2014

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. In C.G. Jungs sense the archetype as an object conduce to determination of a “big picture” - of wholeness - as a subject it serves as structure for universal and individual experiences. Like a role-play-gaming kit Markus Hanakam & Roswitha Schuller’s video-work Trickster provides a card index on archetypical places, figures, artifacts and actions; a mode of narration on a coherent world design. To support the layer of moving image a text layer is composed by assembling passages from a historical inventory catalogue of the National Gallery of Scotland. A traditional spectrum of subjects, mostly Genre painting like landscape and portrait, declares the semiotics of art historical reading and puts it into a gaming context.

Markus Hanakam was born 1979 in Essen, Germany. After studying two years at the University Essen (Faculty for Art and Design), 2000-2002, he graduated in 2006 with a Master degree in Art Education, 2009 Master degree in Sculpture and Multimedia from the University of Applied Art Vienna. Roswitha Schuller was born in 1984 in Friesach, Austria. She graduated 2007 with a Master degree in Art Education, 2009 Master degree in Sculpture and Multimedia from the University of Applied Art Vienna; she holds a Doctoral Degree in Art Sociology. Since 2004 they collaborate as duo, their work is shown at Museums and Festivals in an international context, including Videodumbo Festival 2013 at Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology, New York, Recontres Internationales 2012 at Palais de Tokyo, Paris, ISEA 2011, Istanbul, 4th Moscow International Biennale for Contemporary Art 2011. They gained several awards like the MAK Schindler Fellowship in Los Angeles as well as an Artist in Residency at the Citè International des Art, Paris. Their short Film “INVASION” is awarded as Jury Selection Work at Japan Media Arts Festival 2012. Markus Hanakam & Roswitha Schuller have been visiting curators at Medienwerkstatt Wien 2014.