Catalogue > At random

Paula Tyliszczak

I feel blue, they sense rose

Installation vidéo | mov | couleur | 9:0 | Pologne, Suisse | 2017

The video "I feel blue, they sense rose" questions the process of seeing by deconstructing the medical gaze. How does science remind us of women`s bodies? How can the appropriation of the female body be documented through medicine and its history? The artist confronted herself with knowledge by working with historical artifacts from the Medical Collection at the University of Zurich. This collaboration gave her the opportunity to explore history on a subjective and interactive level.

Paula Tyliszczak (*1986) grew up in France and Poland and has a background in the Arts and in the Humanities. After completing her Bachelor`s Degree in International Relations at the University of Warsaw, she moved to Switzerland and studied Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts. She later followed a Master`s degree in Contemporary Arts Practice at the Bern University of the Arts. As an interdisciplinary artist, Paula Tyliszczak mainly works with video, sound and language. Guided by her interest in the body as a social construct, she develops works at the interface between art and science, as well as between subjectivity and objectivity.