Catalogue > At random

Jack Wolf, Alexander Schindler

In Camera Proceedings

Doc. expérimental | hdv | couleur | 4:0 | Allemagne | 2017

In Camera Proceedings is an intervention that challenges Googles Earth`s practice of scanning, modelling and storing our world. Google’s process involves a combination of aircraft imagery and satellite photos. These are pushed through image analysis and photogrammetry softwares that reconstruct 3D models of the area photographed. The 3D models created are stored on Google’s servers, they are not available for download. Our cities have been modelled digitised and then locked away. Google`s algorithms erase all inhabitants from these models. The digital world is not meant for human habitation. We can not change it edit it, or rebuild it. We can only passively observe. In Camera Proceedings challenges this. It does not accept Google`s policy. The work visualises the technical process of taking back our space, it`s a tutorial in how to take back our virtual world. A virtual drone is programmed to fly through Google Earth taking hundreds of pictures of the digital terrain. These photos are then run through the same algorithms as the images taken by Google`s aircraft. We scan the scan and then upload it to a server where any one can download it, own it and change it.

Jack Wolf is a media artist working with new and old technologies: computer games, web, film, animation, as well as print. His work examines contemporary issues such as migration, conflict, data, as well as technology itself. He holds a bachelor of arts from the University of the Arts, London, and a postgraduate degree in Art and Media from the Berlin University of Arts (UdK). Alexander Schindler is an assistant of the Vilém Flusser Archive at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK). He is a master student of the study program “ Communication in Social and Economic Contexts ”at the UdK, where he focuses on media studies, philosophy and lens-based media technologies. He is currently interested in (post-)photography theory, especially the “ Spatial Image”as a result of the fusion of lens-based technologies and computer generated imaging.