Catalogue > At random

Max Grau

«[…] Craving for Narrative»

Vidéo | hdv | couleur | 23:48 | Allemagne | 2015

«[…] craving for narrative» is some kind of non-indexical essay film about temporality and the porosity of meaning. Using a desktop-like visual space, it is structured around a 23 second clip from the 1978 movie «Grease» starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. This short clip becomes the starting point for a sprawling narration. It’s about making sense of obsessions and what it is, that makes nostalgia so appealing. About pop music as a dispositive structuring reality and about white Adidas high top sneaker. It’s about dancing and hyper-intensity. About loops, the presence, families and the question if there’s some kind of post-ideological media-usage these days. And I guess somehow, this film is also about the internet.

Max Grau (*1988) works with film, text, performance, photography and music. His work addresses the relationship between the self and the social, the circulation and shifting of signs and contemporary forms of communication. He studied Fine Arts in Saarbrücken, Berlin and Los Angeles. Besides doing things individually, he’s interest in friendship-based modes of collaboration. His work has been shown internationally in art spaces and film festivals. He lives and works in Berlin.