Catalogue > At random

Roy Samaha, Fakhoury Omar

Incarnation of a Bird from an Oil Painting

Fiction expérimentale | hdcam | couleur | 8:0 | Liban | 2013

??Once Dr. Dahesh referred to a painting made by Mrs Marie Haddad, and which showed a bird on a tree. The colours of the painting moved and took the form of flesh, blood and feathers and the bird in that painting was converted into a living bird, which was placed in a cage and remained there for several years. Its place on the linen remained white.?

Omar Fakhoury Artist, Beirut Born in 1979, Omar Fakhoury is a multidisciplinary visual artist. He holds a Bachelor in Painting and a Masters of Fine Arts Roy Samaha, Artist, Beirut Born in 1978, a video artist and photographer living and working in Beirut Lebanon where he completed a Masters degree in film studies.