Call for entries information
2024 call for entries: closed
Permanent call for entries: open
Any individual or organization can submit one or several proposals. The call for entries is open to film, video and multimedia proposals, without any restrictions on length or genre. All submissions are free, regardless of geographical origin.

Film and video - any film and video format
- Video / Experimental video
- Fiction, exp. fiction / Short, medium and full length
- Documentary, exp. documentary
- Experimental film
- Animation

Multimedia, extended media
- Multimedia installation, video installation
- 360° video, VR, AR et XR
- Multimedia concerts, multimedia performance

Submissions must have been produced within twy years of the event and must not have been previously publicly shown in Paris or Île-de-France Region.

The Rencontres Internationales guarantees the privacy of any personal information. According to French law (The Computing and Liberty Law of January 6, 1978), you retain the right to modify or delete any personnal data.

The programme is curated by the directors of Rencontres Interantionales. Decisions are sent by email at least one month prior to the event. Then individual contact will be made regarding the sending of film and video copies in their presentation format, the installations and interventions.

The Rencontres Internationales handles technicle needs for installations, performances, and concerts. Artist fee is offered for the cost of performances, installations and concerts. Films and videos benefit from translation and subtitling services. The Rencontres Internationales invites the programmed artists and filmmakers depending on its budget. It arranges the presence of professionals, in order to support new distributions and new projects.

Selected works will be included in a video library during the event. .

Films, videos and installations will be insured by the Rencontres Internationales for the entire duration of the event.

The registrant of the submission:
- declares to be the author, or the producer, or the distributor, and the main owner of the rights of the proposal.
- (only for films and videos) authorize its free presentation in Paris and Berlin, in the context of the Rencontres Internationales, a non-commercial event organized by roARaTorio, a culture-oriented non-profit organization.
- authorizes the publication of the text and visual material related to the proposal, for the catalogue and for the press media.
- authorizes the free use of an extract of the work of less than 3 minutes (30% maximum for the works of a duration lower than 3 minutes) for media and communication purposes regarding the Rencontres Internationales.
- authorizes the translation of the text material and of the title of the work (original title will always be specified).
- confirm the accuracy of the given information.
- agrees to the "Call for Entry Information".
- declares to own the rights and/or the authorizations of any material used in the work, in particular the music rights.
- declares being authorized by the author(s), the production company (and/or main owner of the rights), who is informed of the "Call for Entry Information": to submit the material (audio, text, photo, video) related to the proposal; to submit the copy in its presentation format and/or for the piece presentation. - undertake to keep the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin informed at least two months in advance of any change in the status of the submission, or any cancellation of the submission.