Catalogue > At random

Meltse Van Coillie


Doc. expérimental | 0 | couleur | 27:18 | Belgique | 2018

Nous nous trouvons sur un navire qui tangue sur une mer infinie. Chaque membre de l`équipage essaie à sa façon de faire face au vide spatio-temporel. L`imagination remonte petit à petit à la surface et reprend le gouvernail en main....

Meltse Van Coillie (°1992) is currently based in Antwerp. She studied Communicational Sciences at the University of Leuven, with a Master in Film Studies at the University of Ghent. Following these years full of theoretical research, she took part in the Erasmus Mundus Master DOC NOMADS - a course in documentary filmmaking to acquire more practical skills in the field. Lisbon and Budapest were the setting for the numerous films made during this course. In 2015 she moved back to Belgium and started to take classes at KASK, School of Arts in Ghent. In 2018 she graduated as Master in Audiovisual Arts with her graduation film `elephantfish`.