Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Dobroslawa Nowak

I wszystko co ludzkie jest mi obce

Film expérimental | hdv | couleur | 14:39 | Pologne | 2013

"At first we could not believe it. We were terrified. ( ... ) Years we talked about Carly as if she wasn't there." Said Arthur Fleishmann about his autistic daughter, when a ten year old, for he first time in her life, made contact with the outside world, tapping on the keyboard "hurt" and "help". Her father's suprise resulted from the contact with her consciousness, which earlier didn't seem to him as a comparable to his. Visual basis of the work is passive video recording made by an animal. The theoretical - the concept of dissonance by social psychologist Leon Festinger. It's an unpleasant state of psychological tension that appears when at the same time there are two cognitive elements incompatible with each other. It leads to reformulation or addition of a new cognitive element. If the solution doesn't occur, unpleasant tension increases. Its value (force) is the greater the closer we are to the expected "point of relief." In the video work I realize perceptual dissonance between the remembered image - known to us, and the one being watched - experienced for the first time. The second one is strange, but elementary and first, which makes it close. The consequence of the transformation, which is conducted unconsciously by our 'self' is strengthening our ties with the object. Bill Viola wrote about one of his movies that watching them will 'penetrate the internal states and the connection with the animal consciousness that we all have'. An important product of the process described above is alleviation of bergson's intellect, which 'creates concepts to simplify certain entities so as to undergo quantification'. If the process of reformulation is successful, we have a chance to experience the intermediate borrowed intuition.

I graduated from University of Art in Poznań (2013). I study Psychology at University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań.