Catalogue > Un extrait vidéo au hasard

Alan Segal

Una investigación interrumpida de R (An Interrupted Investigation of R)

Fiction expérimentale | 4k | couleur | 13:50 | Argentine | 2017

"An interrupted investigation of R" is an epistemological sci-fi detective short film. This project is an adaptation of Stanislav Lem`s “ The Investigation ”. The work pretends to contribute to the regime of Extra Science Fiction, as was developed by Quentin Meillassoux. A synopsis of the book that I found at Goodreads: "An officer at Scotland Yard is assigned to investigate an eerie case of missing-and apparently resurrected-bodies. To unravel the mystery, Lt. Gregory consults scientific, philosophical, and theological experts, who supply him with a host of theories and clues". I used that minimal narrative as an excuse to address some of this questions and ideas. What would happen if experimental science became impossible and cannot deploy its theories? What exactly guarantees for us, but also what convinces us that natural laws will still be valid in the next moment? How is the bound in between science and fiction? It seems like the science allows the construction of a storyline because stories happen in ordered worlds. The way the merger of the virtual and the digital elicits a context of indetermination. How will the construction of different models of representation affect our perception of a specific phenomenon?

Alan Segal (AR), born in 1985, he studied at Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Program for Artist and Curators, Universidad Di Tella, and is currently completing his master in Fine Arts at The Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College. He uses drawings, video, coding and sound to design works that reveal alternative systems of communicative convention. “Tutorial ” was his last solo show at Zmud. Recent group exhibitions include "A word is a shadow that falls on a lot of things" at Ausstellungsraum Klingental (Basel, Switzerland), “Praising the surface ”at the Hesell Museum of Art (New York, USA) and “ To push an ism ” at MAMBA (Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art). He also shows his work in international biennials; "Visual Resonances" at the BIENALSUR (the South America contemporary Art Biennial) and "Draft Systems" at The WRO Biennale (Wroclaw, Poland).